Advanced Temp Files Cleaner for Windows: A Batch Script for Keeping Your PC Fast and Clean

Maintaining your PC’s performance and ensuring that it runs efficiently often requires more than just relying on system maintenance tools. Temporary files accumulate over time and can slow down your machine if left unchecked. These files are generated by various programs, Windows processes, and web browsers, and while they serve temporary purposes, they are rarely needed after their tasks are completed.

In this post, I'll walk you through an advanced batch script designed to automatically clean out these temporary files and free up valuable disk space. This script is tailored for Windows users and focuses on directories where most temp files are stored. Plus, it includes a logging mechanism to track everything that’s deleted, giving you peace of mind.

What is a Batch Script?

A batch script is a simple text file containing commands that are executed by the command line interpreter (CMD) in Windows. These scripts can automate tasks, such as cleaning temp files, without the need for third-party software. Batch scripts are powerful, customizable, and lightweight.

Why Clean Temp Files?

Temporary files accumulate from:

  • Installing or updating programs.
  • Web browsers storing cache and cookies.
  • Windows performing background operations.

Though temp files are useful in the short term, they can cause performance issues over time by clogging your hard drive and even interfering with program operations. Periodically cleaning them ensures that your system remains responsive and runs faster.

Introducing the Advanced Temp Files Cleaner Script

This advanced batch script automates the cleaning of temp files from several critical directories, including:

  • The user's temporary folder.
  • Windows temporary files.
  • Cached files from web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer/Edge.

In addition to its cleaning capabilities, the script includes:

  • Confirmation prompts to prevent accidental deletion.
  • Logging to document what files were removed.

Here’s the full script:

@echo off

:: Advanced Temp Files Cleaner Script

:: Define log file location

set logfile=%userprofile%\temp_cleanup_log.txt

:: Function to log actions

echo Logging to %logfile%

echo Script executed on %date% at %time% >> %logfile%

echo ------------------------------------------------ >> %logfile%

:: Ask for confirmation

set /p confirm="This will delete temporary files. Do you want to continue? (Y/N): "

if /I not "%confirm%"=="Y" (

    echo User declined cleanup. Exiting script.

    echo User declined cleanup on %date% at %time%. >> %logfile%

    exit /b


:: Cleaning User Temp Folder

echo Cleaning User Temp Folder...

echo Cleaning User Temp Folder... >> %logfile%

del /s /q "%temp%\*" >> %logfile% 2>&1

rd /s /q "%temp%" >> %logfile% 2>&1

mkdir "%temp%" >> %logfile% 2>&1

echo User Temp Folder cleaned. >> %logfile%

:: Cleaning Windows Temp Folder

echo Cleaning Windows Temp Folder...

echo Cleaning Windows Temp Folder... >> %logfile%

del /s /q "C:\Windows\Temp\*" >> %logfile% 2>&1

rd /s /q "C:\Windows\Temp" >> %logfile% 2>&1

mkdir "C:\Windows\Temp" >> %logfile% 2>&1

echo Windows Temp Folder cleaned. >> %logfile%

:: Cleaning Internet Explorer/Edge Temp Files

echo Cleaning Internet Explorer/Edge Temp Files...

echo Cleaning Internet Explorer/Edge Temp Files... >> %logfile%

del /s /q "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\*" >> %logfile% 2>&1

echo Internet Explorer/Edge Temp Files cleaned. >> %logfile%

:: Cleaning Chrome Cache

echo Cleaning Chrome Cache...

echo Cleaning Chrome Cache... >> %logfile%

del /s /q "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache\*" >> %logfile% 2>&1

echo Chrome Cache cleaned. >> %logfile%

:: Cleaning Firefox Cache

echo Cleaning Firefox Cache...

echo Cleaning Firefox Cache... >> %logfile%

del /s /q "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*\cache2\*" >> %logfile% 2>&1

echo Firefox Cache cleaned. >> %logfile%

:: Additional directories can be added here

:: Final log entry

echo Temporary file cleanup completed on %date% at %time%. >> %logfile%

echo Cleanup completed.


How It Works

  1. User Confirmation: The script first prompts the user to confirm whether they want to proceed with cleaning. This prevents accidental deletions.

  2. Logging: All actions taken by the script are logged to a file located in the user’s home directory (%userprofile%\temp_cleanup_log.txt). This is useful for tracking and reviewing what has been removed.

  3. Multiple Temp Directories: The script cleans:

    • The user’s temporary folder (%temp%), where most application temp files are stored.
    • The system-wide Windows temp directory (C:\Windows\Temp).
    • Cache files from popular web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer/Edge.
  4. Browser Cache Cleanup: Removing cache files from browsers like Chrome and Firefox helps reduce their disk usage and can also improve their performance.

How to Use the Script

  1. Create the Batch File:

    • Copy the script provided above.
    • Open Notepad (or any text editor).
    • Paste the script into the editor.
    • Save the file with a .bat extension, for example, clean_temp_files.bat.
  2. Run the Script:

    • Right-click on the batch file and select Run as Administrator.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions and confirm when prompted.
    • The script will clean temp files from various directories and log the activity in a text file.

Customize It for Your Needs

The beauty of batch scripts is that they are customizable. You can add or remove directories to clean based on your specific needs. For instance, if you use a different browser or application that stores temporary files in a custom directory, you can easily extend the script.

Simply add new del /s /q commands followed by the directory path you wish to clean.

Scheduling the Script to Run Automatically

You might want to explain how users can automate the process by scheduling the batch script using Windows Task Scheduler. This ensures regular cleanup without manual intervention.
Automate with Windows Task Scheduler
If you want this cleanup to happen regularly, you can automate it using the built-in Windows Task Scheduler. Here’s how:
1. Open **Task Scheduler** from the Start menu.
2. Click **Create Basic Task** on the right-hand side.
3. Name your task, e.g., "Automated Temp File Cleanup."
4. Set the trigger (how often you want it to run).
5. Under **Action**, choose **Start a program** and browse to your `.bat` script.
6. Complete the wizard, and your script will now run on the schedule you defined.
This ensures your temp files are cleaned regularly without having to run the script manually.


A cluttered PC with numerous temporary files can hinder performance and consume valuable disk space. This advanced batch script provides a convenient way to automate the cleanup of temporary files on a Windows system. It is a simple, effective, and customizable solution for keeping your system clean and running efficiently.

By running this script periodically, you can ensure that unnecessary temp files don’t pile up, making your system faster and smoother to use. Happy cleaning! 

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